EEL 3135

Date of Midterm exam: Wednesday, 6/29, in class; material: homeworks 1-3 + relevant examples from class.

DATE OF FINAL EXAM: Friday, 8/5, in class. material: comprehensive.


Review session for midterm exam:


Monday, June 27, 7PM, NEB 101







TAs: Kan Li and Cory Baker


Office hours (in NEB 222):

Monday: 4 pm to 5 pm ,NEB 222.

Thursday: 4 pm to 5 pm ,NEB 222.

Friday: 4 pm to 5 pm ,NEB 222.


Send email to TA



Pending Homework:





Due Homework: Homework 6

pg. 6.1-1(b, c, f), 6.3-7, 6.3-8, 6.4-1, 6.4-2.


Due date: 8/3


The following statement is included here as part of the Student HonorCode.Please sign and return with your work. Please note that it is unauthorizedto copy homework solutions from solution handouts or from other students.

"On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment".

Signature: ______________________

Name: ____________________

Student #: ____________________