Instructor: Dr. J. Hammer

Office: NEB 563.

Office Hours: MWF: 3:05 - 4:00 PM


Web page:

The web page contains homework assignments and solutions.


Objective: A course about the fundamentals of discrete-time and of continuous-time signals and systems, including the z-transform and the Fourier transform. The course prepares students for upper division courses on circuits, control, communication, and signal processing.


Text: B.P. Lathi, "Linear Systems and Signals", second edition, Oxford University Press, 2005


Calculator: Each student must bring to the exams a calculator that can find real and complex roots of polynomials up to degree 6.


Material covered: Selected topics from Chapters  B, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and additional topics as time permits. The topics for the tests are determined by the examples given in class and by the homework assignments.


Homework: Homework sheets will be distributed from time to time and will be graded. Normally, late homework will not be accepted. The homework grades will constitute 10% of the final grade.


Note: Homework assignments will be distributed first as "Pending Homework". Please start working on pending homework as we progress through the material in class. Once all the material related to a homework sheet has been covered in class, the homework will become "Due Homework", to be submitted in one week. Due dates will announced by email and on the website.


Tests: There will be one midterm test (35% of grade) and one final comprehensive test (55% of grade). The tests will consist mostly of problems similar to ones that were either assigned as homework problems or were given as examples in class. Due to this, no materials will be allowed during the tests.


Grade: The grade for the course will be a weighted average of the homework grades (10%), the midterm exam (35%), and the final exam (55%). Since the tests are based mostly on homework problems, the grade is to a large extent determined by the homework performance.

Note: The grade scale for this course is  A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F. More information about the grading scale can be found at